  1. Fetal Station in Labor and Delivery - Healthline

    • Fetal station refers to how far a baby’s head has descended into your pelvis. Stations range from -5 to +5, with 0 station meaning the head is aligned with your ischial spines.… 展开

    What is fetal station?

    As you go through labor, your doctor will use different terms to describe how your baby is progressing through the birth canal. One of these words is your baby’s “station.”
    Fetal station des… 展开

    Determining your baby’s station

    A doctor will usually perform a cervical check to determine how wide your cervix is and how far down your baby has moved.
    Your doctor will then assign a number from -5 to +5 to descri… 展开

    Fetal station chart

    Fetal station can be important for a doctor as the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists does not recommend forceps delivery unless a baby has progressed to a … 展开

  1. In obstetrics, station refers to descent of the fetal presenting part (hopefully the head) in the pelvis. An imaginary line is drawn between the two bones in the pelvis (known as ischial spines).
    In obstetrics, station refers to descent of the fetal presenting part (hopefully the head) in the pelvis. An imaginary line is drawn between the two bones in the pelvis (known as ischial spines).
    More precisely, it's the distance between the fetus's head and the ischial spines (aka the sit bones or innermost bones of your pelvis), which are approximately 3 to 4 centimeters inside the vagina.
  2. Levels of the Pelvis - Spinning Babies

    The levels of the pelvis roughly correspond to stations of the pelvis (Levels of Hodge in some countries). Parents and providers can ask, “Where’s Baby?” to get an idea of how fetal rotation is going and what actions they might do to help …

  3. Fetal Station: Definition, Chart and More - TheBump.com

    2023年11月13日 · Your fetal station helps your care team know where baby is in the process of labor, giving them an indication of how soon your little one will arrive and how well things are progressing. The below fetal station chart …

  4. What To Know About Fetal Station During Labor - Parents

  5. 3 Pelvic Levels of Fetal Station: Understand Where the …

    2024年11月22日 · Fetal station helps us understand how high or low baby is in the pelvis! Depending on what station baby is will determine what type of movement patterns we should do to help create more space to facilitate labor …

  6. Fetal Station: What It Means and Why It’s Important

    2023年8月23日 · Fetal station is a term that describes where your baby’s head - or other presenting part (shoulder, feet or buttocks) - is located in your pelvis. During most of your pregnancy, your baby is floating above your pelvic inlet, …

  7. Your baby in the birth canal - MedlinePlus

  8. Defining fetal station - American Journal of Obstetrics …

    Fetal station is defined as the level of the presenting fetal part in the birth canal in relationship to the ischial spines, which are halfway between the pelvic inlet and the pelvic outlet. 1 For at least a century, the reporting of fetal station, along …

  9. Management of Normal Labor - Management of …

    Pelvic examinations are done as needed in the latent phase and typically every 2 to 3 hours in the active phase to evaluate labor progress. Standing and walking shorten the first stage of labor by > 1 hour and reduce the rate of cesarean …

  10. Stages of Labor | BIDMC of Boston - Beth Israel Deaconess …