MS Estonia was a cruiseferry built in 1980 for the Finnish shipping company Rederi Ab Sally by Meyer Werft, in Papenburg, West Germany. It was employed on ferry routes between Finland and Sweden by various companies (first Viking Line , then EffJohn ) until the end of January 1993, when it was sold to Nordström & Thulin for use on Estline 's ...
1994年9月28日 · Estline, (sometimes spelled EstLine) a joint ship company that organized passenger service between Tallinn and Stockholm, was founded in 1989 and turned bankrupt in 2001. Estline had a 10 year exclusive right to the passenger traffic between Stockholm, Sweden and Tallinn, Estonia.
Estline (sometimes spelled EstLine) was a Swedish-Estonian shipping company, owned jointly by Nordström & Thulin and the Estonian Government via Estonian Shipping Company (ESCO). [1] Estline was founded in 1989, and had a 10 year exclusive right to the passenger traffic between Stockholm, Sweden and Tallinn, Estonia.
1994年9月28日 · MS Estonia was an Estonian cruise ferry built at Meyer Werft Shipyard in Papenburg, Germany, in 1980. The vessel’s previous names were Viking Sally (1980–1990), Silja Star (1990–1991) and Wasa King. The Estonian Shipping Company and Nordström & Thulin bought her for Estline's Tallinn-Stockholm line.
1994年9月28日 · Estonia oli Eesti reisiparvlaev, mis ehitati 1980. aastal Meyer Werfti laevatehases Papenburgis Saksamaal. Laeva varasemad nimed olid Viking Sally (1980–1990), Silja Star (1990–1991) ja Wasa King. Eesti Merelaevandus ja Nordström & Thulin ostsid laeva Estline'i Tallinna–Stockholmi liini jaoks.
EstLine (sometimes abbreviated: Estline) was an Estonian-Swedish Shipping Line founded in 1990 which operated ferries between Stockholm, Sweden and Tallinn, Estonia. it was a company owned by both Nordström & Thulin and the Estonian Government. She is best known for Sinking the Estonia during a storm, known to have claimed
1989. aastal asutasid Estline'i Rootsi laevakompanii Nordström & Thulin (90%) ja Eesti ettevõtted (10%), sh Eesti Autoveod, Eesti Maanteed, Tallinna Autobussikoondis jt. Rootsis asuv ettevõte sai nimeks Estline AB ja Eestis asuv ettevõte Estline-Eesti AS.
The Estonia accident is the Baltic Sea’s worst peacetime disaster. There were people on board from 17 nations. Most of them came from Estonia and Sweden, but Finland was also hit hard. The close relations between the three countries make the loss of citizens a shared trauma.
MS Estonia sank on Wednesday, 28 September 1994, between about 00:50 and 01:50 as the ship was crossing the Baltic Sea, en route from Tallinn, Estonia, to Stockholm, Sweden. The sinking was one of the worst maritime disasters of the 20th century.