约 75,000 个结果
  1. Taxonomic Revision of Spiranthera (Rutaceae) - BioOne

  2. (PDF) Phytochemical screening of extracts from Spiranthera odoratissima ...

  3. Estudo farmacognóstico de folhas e raízes da Spiranthera odoratissima A ...

  4. Estudo morfológico foliar de Spiranthera odoratissima A. St.

  5. Phytochemical screening of extracts from Spiranthera odoratissima

  6. Antimicrobial potential of plant extracts from the Brazilian Cerrado

  7. Chemical composition and seasonality variability of the <i>Spiranthera

  8. Centro Nacional de Conservação da Flora - CNCFlora

  9. Spiranthera odoratissima A. St.-Hil. (Rutaceae) leaves. Source: the ...

  10. [PDF] Phytochemical screening of extracts from Spiranthera odoratissima ...