粘在墙上的香蕉拍出620万美元天价,这次的买家是孙宇晨 ...
今年10月,36氪未来消费正式启动「FUTURE ...
Covers the rise of Australian fashion, from the birth of the wool industry to the arrival of Australian Fashion Week, with the never before told stories of Australian fashion designers.
Innovative high-tech products, including automated cooking robots and virtual reality tourism systems, debuted at the 5th Shanghai Future Island Industrial Expo in Putuo on Wednesday. The event ...
洛杉矶 - 电动汽车公司Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (NASDAQ: FFIE)强调人工智能技术,该公司宣布计划在2025年初将其纳斯达克股票代码更改为"FFAI"。这一计划中的变更凸显了公司向人工智能技术战略转型,与其新的FX品牌战略保持一致。
Wall Street Frontline : First question is about Morgan Stanley, because they have shifted their viewpoint from a bearish to a bullish stance. Right now, they are expecting the S&P 500 to reach around ...
荷兰科学家克鲁岑提出“人类世”概念,明确指出地球已经结束了。长达11700多年的“全新世”人类已成为地质运动的主要力量,决定性地影响着地球生态以及地球未来的发展,人类总是在寻找一架“能够对抗现实,寻找理想家园”的方舟,去承载和启航而事实上,每一次有效 ...
China aims to achieve manned lunar landing by 2030. By utilizing pre-crewed flight tests and manned lunar missions, China ...
根据Singularity Future Technology Ltd.最近向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件显示,该公司高管团队发生重大变动。周一,刘子云因个人原因辞去了首席执行官职务,同时辞去了董事会成员和董事长职务,这与公司的做法或政策无关。
Covers the rise of Australian fashion, from the birth of the wool industry to the arrival of Australian Fashion Week, with the never before told stories of Australian fashion designers.
仰望 U7获Future未来设计科技豪华大奖,内饰,座椅,美学,future,辨识度 ...
阿维塔07获Future未来设计智美豪华大奖,阿维塔,座舱,双电机,future,隐藏式 ...