Current local time in Mahe (Indian/Mahe timezone). Get information about the Indian/Mahe time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time in ...
President Ramkalawan provided an update on the series of unidentified gas incidents that occurred in April this year on Mahe Island, leading to the temporary closure of several schools ...
Praslin and Mauritius will now be available to customers through Air Seychelles and these will be with direct service beyond Mahe. The two airlines will partner on six flights and this will be every ...
Arik De, Etihad’s chief revenue and commercial officer, said: “This exciting agreement offers Etihad Airways’ guests increased frequency and convenience for travel between Abu Dhabi and Seychelles, ...
And if Mahé isn’t enough, you can hop over to Praslin or even Mauritius via Air Seychelles’ direct connections. So your island-hopping adventures just levelled up hugely. What are the perks? Well, ...
allowing customers to travel seamlessly on a single booking between all of Etihad’s destinations and Mahe, Seychelles. Additionally, customers will have access to exotic destinations such as Praslin ...
Delhi Winter Bird Count: A birder’s perspective on nature in the urban jungle 6 mind-blowing discoveries in Antarctica that revealed secrets beneath the ice ...