Machang Bridge Co., Ltd. (CEO Kim Sung-hwan) delivered a donation of 10 million won to Changwon Himchan Hospital (Hospital President Sanghoon Lee) on the 2nd.
We’ve found Naver Maps to be more accurate in providing travel routes, including providing walking directions through alleyways, which Google Maps was unable to do. Use Subway Korea for an overview of ...
Located in Gyeongsangnam-do, Tongyeong combined cycle power plant boasts a capacity exceeding 1GW, enough to supply electricity to approximately one million homes in South Korea. The LNG-fueled ...
The final figures have yet to be communicated. South Korea started deploying hydrogen buses on 1 June 2019, with the first unit registered in Changwon, (Gyeongsangnam-do Province), a city in the ...