该物业将用于永旺旗下“Living Plaza by AEON”、“DAISO”及“DAISO JAPAN”品牌的业务运营。 观点网讯:11月15日,永旺(香港)百货有限公司披露有关租赁协议交易信息。 公告显示,永旺作为承租人已签署一项租赁协议,涉及香港新界元朗康乐路27-31号及康景街25-31号 ...
Yet, traditional gender roles and male favoritism persist in modern-day Japan. In the global gender gap index, Japan ranked 118th out of 146 nations covered in 2024, placing the East Asian country ...
High urbanization and the emergence of megacities in Japan, such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya, have prompted the development of a highly efficient and potent public transport system, which is of ...
Shigeru Ishiba was formally reelected as Japan's prime minister on Monday after a rare runoff vote in parliament that his ruling coalition no longer controls, setting the stage for a minority ...