In “The Lion King,” he’s voiced by Rowan Atkinson. In other media, he’s been voiced by Jim Piddock, Edward Hibbert, Jeff Bennett, and John Oliver. Zazu works for Mufasa, King of the Pride Lands, but ...
It is unfortunate that so much of what’s on the surface of Mufasa: The Lion King doesn’t work. It would take a lot of interpretative work to get past the over-stuffed story; it’s almost as ...
Like many critics, I despised the 2019 CGI version of “The Lion King.” The new animation was ugly and the rehashing of the story from the 1994 classic without many changes made the whole thing seem ...
Palmyra Lions Club, Milton and Catherine Hershey Schools and Autism Society Greater Harrisburg Area. Counting the record number Sunday, a total of 566,450 stuffed animals have now been collected ...
For example, on Thursday, December 26th, one cat dad had just set up the new putting mat he got for Christmas when he ...
His rear paws bob to the beat. His long tail idly tickles the sidewalk. A plastic whistle dangles from a gold chain bounces between a pair of swole pecs. Say hello to Snares Low. He is a furry. The ...
Hinsdale's Daphne Sheldon has made an impression during her first year in the world. Daphne, 8 months, captured best costume ...
While visiting a remote cabin on Spencer Lake, Ron Joseph made friends with an ermine, had an encounter with a bobcat and ...
Make this stuffed clams and savory sausage stuffing from Andiamo at home.