The beloved Bluey, a children’s cartoon character adored by families around the world, faced an unexpected setback during preparations for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. On Wednesday ...
“Bluey” fans, no need to be deflated! A 51-foot-long balloon of the beloved hit kids’ TV character popped during inflation Wednesday — but has made a quick recovery ready to fly during the ...
The balloon of Bluey, the beloved children's cartoon character ... Those who saw it happen described it as a loud pop, and then a gust of wind in their face. They also said parade volunteers ...
A giant Bluey balloon popped during inflation the day before the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. Spectators at the inflation event, now attended annually, heard a loud noise from the ...
In truly deflating news, a giant Bluey balloon popped just ahead of its intended appearance as part of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade in Manhattan, New York — and fans are rightfully ...
Who'll make Bluey pop from the top of the barrel? In this new version of the classic children's game, you have just one aim... Don't make Bluey jump! Up to six of you slide crocodile swords into the ...
When she turns he gasps and asks, "is that a Starbucks cake pop?" in a high pitched voice. He then reaches out and grabs the cake pop between two fingers, says "cake pop" again and squishes the cake ...