Vanderbilt University Medical Center-led research reveals subtle changes in the visual pathways of individuals with chronic ...
CVI is a spectrum of visual impairments caused by an underlying brain abnormality that affects the development of visual ...
The retina is often called an “outpost of the brain” because crucial visual signal processing happens in the eye’s nerve ...
Fret not, my sleep-deprived friend, because new neuroscience suggests that NREM sleep—meaning, straightforwardly, “non-rapid ...
The mind requires quality sleep to enhance cognitive abilities and increase memory power. The brain needs to go through ...
The retina is often referred to as an "outpost of the brain" -- after all, important steps in visual signal processing ... if the cells lose their original function -- for example, if the ...
While it’s well known that sleep enhances cognitive performance, the underlying neural mechanisms, particularly those related ...