Massive redevelopment projects are accelerating around Tokyo’s sprawling Shinagawa Station with the planned opening of the ultrafast maglev Chuo Shinkansen Line that will connect Tokyo and ...
Japan Airlines offers enticing deal for Tokyo travelers that don’t want to carry luggage to their hotel - Japan Airlines is ...
Japanese actress and singer Miho Nakayama, known for having starred in the acclaimed 1995 romantic film "Love Letter," and a ...
The project was created for Takizme, a tea brand based in Shinagawa Tokyo offering Japanese tea and experiences for a modern lifestyle. The collection comprises a Japanese brazier made from airy ...
According to investigative sources, Hirayama gave the keys to his car to Kang and Wakayama on April 15 at a convenience store in Tokyo’s Shinagawa Ward. Hirayama also instructed the two to drive ...