But fixing the problem can cause damage to marine ecology, and lice can evolve resistance to the treatments. Prof Geoff Boxshall, a researcher of copepod crustaceans, explains the threats faced by ...
Sea lice have been blamed for falls in the number of wild and farmed salmon in Scottish waters last year. The BBC's Panorama programme described last month how severe sea lice infestations on ...
Sea lice, the article explained, leave fish with ugly lesions that lessen the salmon's market value, stunt their growth and leave the host fish prone to a variety of sometimes fatal illnesses.
Two of Scotland's biggest salmon producers say they have made a breakthrough in the rearing of so-called cleaner-fish to tackle sea lice. Until now, most of the wrasse used in salmon cages have ...
Many marine scientists are concerned that the unnatural amplification of these diseases within the netcages threaten surrounding marine life and wild salmon. Infestations of sea lice are common in ...
Lice attach to salmon and eat them, causing damage that can be fatal. The lice can also make the fish inedible for humans. Mr Shang hopes his technology will help farmers detect sea lice so that ...
The waste affects other seabed-based species, and eventually the salmon itself, with sea lice infestation and high mortality. A requirement to ensure the fish has "no rancidity" is now essentially ...
The waste affects other seabed-based species, and eventually the salmon itself, with sea lice infestation and high mortality. A requirement to ensure the fish has “no rancidity” is now ...