Remember: Not attempting to minimize patient dose is equivalent to neglecting your own radiation protection. » Where should I stand in relation to the X-ray tube during a fluoroscopic procedure? The ...
If the radiation level is higher than 20% of the TI, secure source and contact the RSO immediately. Check radiation level at surface of package. When the procurement procedure does not involve the ...
A summary of these coefficients adapted from NCRP report 160 is shown in the following table. Data used to obtain effective dose estimates for fluoroscopically-guided diagnostic and interventional ...
Review the individual’s radiation work procedures and determine the likelihood of the cause of exposure. Ensure that any unsafe practices are discontinued. The RSO or his/her designee must be notified ...
As a high-volume center, Baylor Radiation Oncology in Houston, Texas, routinely performs procedures that may be done only occasionally at other locations. Studies have shown that centers performing ...
Biopsies are recommended for new lesions and post-treatment evaluation, with PSMA PET scans used selectively. Here are expert answers to common questions about a prostate cancer experience, ...
Watch this video to see the procedure for measuring the activity of a radioactive sample, taking into account the background radiation. Radiation from natural sources and man made sources is ...