This basically failed to change the dominant sentiment on oil markets, with a profit-taking session following last week’s price jump extending into general bullishness. China’s industrial ...
Fundamentals alone suggest oil prices should be in the mid to high $80s. That’s what Al Salazar, a director at Enverus Intelligence Research (EIR) and the author of a recent report by the ...
With more than 130 million vehicles registered in the United States, the future looks very bright for the enterprising entrepreneur that starts a mobile oil change service. Assuming the average ...
The fall of Bashar al-Assad, who had been in power in Syria for nearly 25 years, impacted oil prices. The sudden change in the Middle East is a blow to Russia and Iran, which support the regime.
Aramco also cut prices for north-west Europe and the Mediterranean. It made no change for North America. Benchmark oil prices in London are lower down this year on concerns sluggish demand growth ...
HOUSTON, Dec 9 (Reuters) - Oil prices climbed more than 1% on Monday ... and mixed with the tensions elsewhere in the region, the regime change has potential to spill into neighbouring territories ...
Oil futures rise slightly following yesterday's 3% loss although forces weighing down on energy prices remain in place. The new administration is expected to have a downward impact on crude.