SpaceDaily的太空签名来源年11月17日,太空日报第104期JPL 是一个由 NASA ...
Radar surveys occasionally show evidence of the base, lurking there like an environmental time bomb under the ice. But in ...
The asteroid, named 2024 WF5, will come over twice as close to us as the moon, at a distance of around 104,000 miles.
Headed to Jupiter’s moon Europa, NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft is operating without a hitch and will reach Mars in just ...
WB—is estimated to be between 240 and 525 feet across and will pass us at about twice the distance between the Earth and moon ...
Scientists now have a clearer picture of Camp Century, an abandoned U.S. military base long hidden under the ice in Greenland ...
A radar image taken by Nasa scientists while flying over Greenland has revealed an abandoned Cold War -era “city” under the ...
在经历了上个月的临时通信故障之后,美国航空航天局(NASA)的旅行者1号宇宙飞船已经恢复了正常运行。尽管由于航天器的高龄和有限的电力供应而持续面临着电源管理方面的挑战,但研究小组还是成功地重新激活了它的主无线电发射机,并恢复了它的四个有效科学仪器的数 ...
As it turns out, this abandoned "secret city" was the site of a secret Cold War project known as Project Iceworm which called ...
After a temporary communication breakdown last month, NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has resumed normal operations. The team ...
As a NASA science flight was flying over the Greenland ice sheet this spring, a surprise popped up on a specialty radar: a ...
2024年4月,一架NASA的Gulfstream III飞机飞越格陵兰冰盖,用雷达仪器测绘冰层深度及其下的基岩层。意外间,它捕捉到了Camp Century的详细影像,这是冷战时期美军建造的地下隧道基地,隐藏在冰盖之下。这些影像揭示了前所未见的秘密“冰下城市”的结构。