Lesson Overview: Using principles of ecosystem interactions and buoyancy, students will design and 3D print real fishing lures that imitate ... Lesson Overview: Robotics team has been tasked to design ...
Begin the class by introducing yourself to the students and telling a little bit about what ... A list of the characters is on page 4 of this lesson plan. Synopses of the cases in the play are on ...
Begin the class by introducing yourself and telling a little bit about what you do ... Spend no more than five minutes on this. Note: This lesson assumes the teacher has taught students basic ...
Learn about Asia and the world through our free lesson plans. These lessons include rich material resources, and are typically short formative activities that take no longer than one to three class ...
Lesson plans, scholarly essays, primary resources, curriculum—find it all here and build student global competence and understanding of Asia and the world. You'll also find how-to guides on a range of ...
These lesson plans are ideal for music lessons, but you can of course use the Ten Pieces in many other subjects and activities. Take a look at our video masterclasses for inspiration. You can also ...