In a crossover between Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Naruto, Kakashi hints at a secret connection with Splinter that ...
Kakashi Hatake is still keeping many secrets from fans. One of them has been revealed in the latest Naruto comic book, which ...
Shippuden (part two) was televised between 2007 and 2017. Naruto has collaborated quite a few times over the years. This is ...
This particular detail in Sakumo Hatake’s attire sparks an interesting theory about Kakashi's lineage in Naruto that Kishimoto was keeping from fans.
Masashi Kishimoto may have screwed the pooch with his superficial and inconclusive development of Sakura in 4th Shinobi World ...
Rock Lee is a unique character in the Naruto universe. He is a Taijutsu specialist. Lee cannot use ninjutsu. He makes up for this with his strength an ...