Television's acclaimed singing reality show, Indian Idol 15, judged by a stellar panel comprising Shreya Ghoshal, Vishal Dadlani, and Badshah, is captivating audiences with thrilling performances ...
This weekend, Indian Idol Season 15 promises a spectacular episode dedicated to the acclaimed singer, Vishal Mishra. To celebrate his birthday, the judges - Shreya Ghoshal, Vishal Dadlani and ...
Sriya was influenced by BTS. "The kind of effort they put in while making a song really shows their love and dedication to their art. I feel really inspired by BTS and their songs have lifted my ...
K-pop melodies, like Indian ones, are musically complex ... a shot from its 2020 video of How You Like That, where an idol of the Hindu deity Ganesha was used as a prop. As genres collide ...