The gray wolf, also known as the timber wolf or the western wolf, is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America, Eurasia, and North Africa. It is the largest extant member ...
As government agencies reach targets in endangered wolf recovery, five-year evaluation of the binational program reveals ...
The smallest gray wolf subspecies in North America, the Mexican gray wolf is also one of the rarest and most imperiled mammals on the continent. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (and its predecessor ...
The North American Gray Timber Wolf, scientifically known as *Canis lupus*, is the world's largest canid . It is a fascinating and majestic creature that has captivated the human imagination for ...
We’ll continue to fight for wolves and push for science — not politics — to be the basis of wolf conservation in the region. Meanwhile we’re also defending all other U.S. gray wolves. In fall 2020 the ...