Police in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, have arrested an 81-year-old man on suspicion of attempting to kill his 80-year-old wife by hitting her on the head with a hammer. According to police, ...
Fukuyama city's environmental team warned the public not to touch "a cat that seems abnormal" but also said the animal might have died as a result of the incident. Provided by Nomura Plating The ...
The castle, located in the city center, was built by Mizuno Katsunari, the first lord of the Fukuyama Domain, who reported its completion to the Tokugawa Shogunate on Aug. 28, 1622. During an Aug.
enter the capybara. The birth of capybaras was celebrated at Fukuyama City Zoo for the first time in two years in the summer of 2016. The capybara family has four babies whose fur is smooth and ...