Eren Yeager, the anime character from Attack on Titan, transformed from a sentimental young man who wants to join the Survey Corps and annihilate the Titans to a reckless Titan-Shifter who caused ...
One of the most intriguing "what ifs" in Attack on Titan has to be: had Erwin Smith survived, whether he would have supported Eren's contentious Rumbling plan or not. Much of his calculated ...
Adapted from the hit spinoff manga series-Attack on Titan: Junior High (written by Saki Nakagawa), this parody reimagines Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and other characters from the original manga as ...
Attack on Titan: The Last Attack is the first, and most likely last, movie that will feature the Scout Regiment and their fight against their former friend Eren Jaeger. The new Founding Titan ...
Since the film only released in Japan on November 8, we only have the images that studio MAPPA shared of the post-credit scene. In this scene, the three characters, Eren, Armin, and Mikasa, are ...