“Unabsorbed iron can form complexes with compounds in your gastrointestinal tract that can lead to black stools,” says Samuel A. Akinyeye, M.D., assistant professor in the division of ...
On similar lines, black stools are pretty popular because they can match up with other furniture and make any space feel cozier. As opposed to stools of brighter shades, like yellow, orange ...
You push so hard to get stool out that you end up tearing the skin at your anus. However, anal fissures also happen with chronic diarrhea and after childbirth. If you're noticing dark brown or ...
Dark urine and pale stools are significant indicators of liver health. Dark urine can happen when excess bilirubin is filtered out through the kidneys, while pale stools might signal that bile isn ...
Darker blood or black, tarry stools suggest bleeding from higher in the digestive system, such as the stomach or small intestine. This distinction helps doctors determine the appropriate ...