The airstrike on Kyauknimaw also injured at least 20 residents and destroyed around 500 homes in its northern, southern and central wards and close to the main market. Among the victims were women, ...
Soldiers have been fighting the Arakan Army/AA rebels in the area since mid-2019 and periods of active combat have been increasingly common in the last few months. Not a lot of casualties but enough ...
There are even reports that the Arakan Army now commands areas inside Bangladesh. In the ferocious civil war between ethnic rebel groups and the junta (military) in Myanmar, the Arakan Army ...
The capture by the Arakan Army makes the group’s control of the northern part of Rakhine state complete, and marks another advance in its bid for self-rule there. Rakhine has become a focal ...
and inclusive governance” in Rakhine state on Myanmar’s western coast as the conflict between military junta forces and the rebel Arakan Army escalates. Some 28 Rohingya organizations issued a ...
Reports suggest that Myanmar’s insurgent group, the Arakan Army (AA), has seized parts of Bangladesh’s Teknaf region. This area is not only strategically significant but also sensitive due to ...
The capture by the Arakan Army makes the group’s control of the northern part of Rakhine state complete, and marks another advance in its bid for self-rule there. Rakhine has become a focal point for ...