Missio Aachen Application Form

Missio Seminary    

Philadelphia, 美国 中的 宗教学校
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Missio Seminary is an evangelical seminary committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ and a generously orthodox Christian faith for the purpose of preparing missional leaders to serve the church. We …
Missio Seminary is an evangelical seminary committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ and a generously orthodox Christian faith for the purpose of preparing missional leaders to serve the church. We are intent on maintaining the following convictions in the life and work of our community. Missio Seminary began as Biblical School of Theology in 1971 through the shared vision of Dr. Allan A. MacRae, former president of Faith Theological School, and Dr. Jack W. Murray, president of Bible Evangelism, Inc. Biblical was accredited by the Middle States Association in 1990 and by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada in 1995. In 2018 Missio Seminary became the new name of Biblical Theological Seminary.
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